Vegetarian Eats: The Wholesome Table 2

I am currently in a period of my life where change is the norm and the future seems to be as unclear as the murky depths of the Pasig river. FUNemployment, as my fellow batch mates call it, is supposed to be a time of enjoyment and relaxation. Yet as much as we try to escape through extended breaks and vacations, we are still faced with this reality at the end of the day: our lives are about to drastically change as we take our first steps into adulthood. This ambiguity is always a little bit unnerving. Yet, I cope with all this change by keeping other things in my life constant. And that includes going to one of my favourite restaurants again and again and again...

Review: The Alchemist

I have always thought that in this time of my life, at 21 years old, I would have everything figured out. It turns out that I only have some certainty for what the immediate future holds. As for what I envision myself to be in 10, even 5 years from now, the picture remains murky and obscure. Yet, reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (my new favourite author), I have been steadied and comforted by the words of wisdom embedded in the story, as well as the insights of life I have gained.