Vegetarian Eats: The Wholesome Table

The Wholesome Table should definitely be a staple for vegetarians and health buffs. The name of the restaurant alone already gives passers-by a clue as to the type of food they serve inside. Most of the time, people wrongly associate healthy foods with bland taste. Yet, it's possible to eat healthily and still enjoy what you're eating! The Wholesome Table is the perfect blend of whole and organic foods that are cooked and prepared to a delectable finish.

Art Supplies

I once read a quote that said, "The earth without 'art' is just 'eh'." As witty as the quote is, it truly resonates with a lot of people, myself included. I have never studied art, save for the required classes I took in high school. However, I always enjoyed art class and I still try to find time to draw and paint in college. Despite me being an amateur at it, I recently started getting back into drawing and painting. So I thought it would be nice to feature some of the supplies that I use, and give you commentary on them from a beginner's perspective.

Vegetarian Eats: Souv by Cyma

In January of 2015, I made the decision to cut out all meat from my diet and become a vegetarian. It was difficult for the first few months because vegetarianism isn't very popular in the Philippines. People remain skeptical about living off of plant-based foods alone, which is probably why there are only a handful of restaurants that are vegetarian friendly. However, after two years eating this way, I've found several places that offer either vegetarian options or full vegetarian meals that are freaking delicious. So, I decided to make a series of posts called "Vegetarian Eats" where I feature and review some of the restaurants I frequent and the vegetarian (or vegan) choices that they offer. To start off this list is one of my favorite new restaurants in BGC called Souv by Cyma! If you're a fan of the sinfully delicious and flavorful Greek cuisine, then you're in for a treat. 

August Favorites

“Sure, everything is ending," Jules said, "but not yet.” ― Jennifer EganA Visit from the Goon Squad

Hello there. Yes, I'm quite aware that my last post was in January of 2016 and I regret not being on my space of the internet for so long. However I'm back and here to stay. I think of this post as a promise to myself and to my readers that I'm going to commit to my blog. So what better way to get reacquainted with blogging and to catch up with all of you than to give you a glimpse on the things I've been loving recently.