I have always thought that in this time of my life, at 21 years old, I would have everything figured out. It turns out that I only have some certainty for what the immediate future holds. As for what I envision myself to be in 10, even 5 years from now, the picture remains murky and obscure. Yet, reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (my new favourite author), I have been steadied and comforted by the words of wisdom embedded in the story, as well as the insights of life I have gained.
If what I've said thus far is not enough to convince you to get your hands on this book today, here is my positive review (together with a 5-star rating of the book), which I have posted on my Goodreads account.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Definitely a book one should read in his/her lifetime.
The Alchemist bears with it the truths of life and happiness. As I read on about our protagonist, Santiago, and his personal journey, I have come to relate his story to my own life as I am about to enter into adulthood and all the challenges and joys that come with it.
I will keep this book close-by to always refer back to its lessons and insights on love, the oneness of the universe, spirituality, and the treasures of life.
I 100% recommend this to anyone, no matter their age or background. It has inspired me to live life with more awareness and gratitude.
View all my reviews
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